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Swara Bhasker reacts to a troll who claims Amber Heard deserved to be assaulted

Swara Bhasker came out in support of Amber Heard after a jury found in Johnny Depp's favour in their defamation case.

BollywoodMDB Team | Updated On: Jun 9, 2022 03:58 AM IST

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Swara Bhasker reacts to a troll who claims Amber Heard deserved to be assaulted

Opinion is divided about the defamation case between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard, which ended in Johnny's favour. Amber owes Johnny $10.35 million after a Virginia court found both parties guilty of defamation of character. While some have praised Johnny's victory, others have criticized the decision as a setback for victims of domestic violence.


Swara Bhasker expressed her support for Amber Heard on Twitter. She shared an article from a newspaper in which the trial was described as an "orgy of misogyny" and the "tipping point" for the backlash to the #MeToo movement, and she encouraged others to read it as well. Swara was enraged when a Twitter user responded to the post with an inappropriate comment.

The comment read, "I like you but Heard deserved that."

Swara defended Amber and said in response to the comment, "Nobody deserves to be sexually assaulted. Nobody. That you think this is deeply disturbing. I pity the women in your life."

Swara was also told by a Twitter user that people are supporting Johnny because the assault claims against him were judged to be baseless during his trial. Swara responded by sharing an article regarding Johnny's 2018 UK libel suit against a magazine for referring to him as a "wife-beater." The judge reportedly ruled that the charges against Johnny are 'substantially true,' and Johnny had lost the trial.

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